Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sharknado 2 TheSecond One- MUSIC VIDEO!
Listen here!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Put this on your menu & it will automatically become one of your most popular items

Many of our night life clients provide a variety of menu options for their customers. However, studies show that no matter what they offer- there is one item that continues to be a staple in the eyes of every hungry American.

Calling it the "Holy Grail" for restaurants this publication provides some additional insight on just why Pizza is a really big deal.
  • One in eight Americans consume pizza each day.
  • Americans spend an estimated $37 billion each year on pizza. ( #ermagod )
  • The U.S. accounts for one third of global pizza consumption. 
  • Twenty-five percent of American males between the age of six and 19 eat pizza each day.
  • One out of six males between the ages of two and 39 will eat pizza for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner today.
  • Adults usually eat pizza for dinner. Children eat pizza for lunch and dinner just as often.
  • Per capita consumption of cheese is up 41% since 1995 due to America's love for pizza.

SoCal Selections:

 Spinach and Chicken Flat bread.  - If your looking for more of a pizza "pizza" try the Italian flat bread on the menu!

You may have to scan a different menu than usual, but its there. Check the kids section and choose either half or a full sized. Hey, sometimes you have to go back to your childhood.

Check out our other participating vendors here and let us know what your favorite items on the menu are- no, they don't have to be pizza related- however, according to the survey some of you won't be able to resist.